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Sunday 11th July 2010 -
A wooded dogging location in N.London

Arrived just after dark , about 12 cars . Walked into woods but was only followed by a guy in his 60’s , which is too old for me. Chatted with a few people, who I see there occasionally. Had been there about 30 mins when the police pulled in to check if there were any troublemakers.  There weren’t any BUT this had the usual effect of sending all the guys off in panic. We were now down to just two cars , myself and someone else who realises that it is NOT against the law to have sex outdoors anymore in this Country! It is only illegal if a “regular” passerby witnesses the sex , takes offence and reports it. The police KNOW that no normal person , no “regular” passerby is going to be in a dogging location in the dead of night ! The police are NEVER there to catch doggers , take your details or anything, they only ever pull in to check for troublemakers who may be preying on the vulnerable.
Well ,the police just sat there for 20 minutes ! So that put a damper on anyone coming in as they just drove straight off ! It always takes 20 – 30 mins for a location to recover from this when the police have visited.

Anyway , 20 mins after the police had left , there was now a healthy number of cars in the location. So , I got out of my car in my 4 inch heels , undid my coat to reveal open cup basque and fully fashioned vintage nylons. Soon three guys were  following me into the woods and I was swiftly on my knees , swallowing all of their cocks. One of the guys pulled me to my feet and led me 20m to another spot .  The dirty bugger had led me to a fallen tree which just happened to be in the perfect place to bend me over it ! He was now putting a condom on as the other guy came around to the front of me and started to fuck my mouth. The first guy rammed his 8 inches into my ass to the hilt and was riding me hard. I have cock in my ass and cock in my mouth and I felt complete. This is what a slut like me was made for. Soon , I could feel the cum spurting down my throat by the guy in front , soon followed by the feel of spasm’ing cock as the guy fucking my ass started to cum too ! Wow , I was in heaven.

After a quick clean up , I was back on my knees bringing that third guy to completion.

After that, retreated to my car to freshen up and fix my lipstick.

15 minutes later a truck driver from Italy walked into the dogging car park. He had parked his truck up the road as it was too tall for the barrier. He spotted me and made a beeline for me. He spoke very little English and most of our communication was done by hand signals! He took me to a remote part of the dogging area, this guy wanted me bad and he did not want any onlookers or interruptions.

When he got me on my knees and got his cock out it was HUGE ! 9 inches of juicy meat and thick too.

Turned out that this guy liked it nasty and he liked nasty sluts like me.  He did not want to fuck me but spent over 30 minutes aggressively fucking my face , slapping my face , calling me all the filthy things under the sun in Italian and manhandling my little breasts. He grabbed handfuls of my chest and pulled me forcibly by the tits as he face fucked me. He interspersed that with clamping and twisting my nipples REALLY hard and violently. This guy was seriously into giving sluts pain and to treat them how they should be treated. It was so WONDERFUL to be able to allow him to do this to me , as with regular women you have to be all gentle and courteous and treat them with respect ! Not with me , this guy took his opportunity to treat and use me like a sub slut / sex slave and made the most of it. I was in heaven knowing that I was fulfilling dark desires of his that he probably rarely got to fulfil. 30 mins of constant slut abuse had him coming gallons down my throat.

This last guy had even by my own standards, left me exhausted and thoroughly used like a whore. It was time to go home. He left me with the words, ”you are good pork” , which , since his English was so little and bad I took as meaning “you are a good pig” . Wow , what a compliment!
No pictures of this event , sorry


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Go on , TAKE THEM, share them  and post them – I need to get the word out about this rare slut. She needs to be pimped more (for free)  and more cock needs to cum to her.
It is my ambition to someday have a place where she can be kept and chained, a drop-in centre for men , where she feeds on cock all day, EVERY day, 24/7/365. If anyone has such a place, in U.K or abroad, please get in touch.
 If any man has a facility like this in the United Kingdom and can help make it real , please get in touch
... Master Brixtonian